Movistar PEGASO PCS S.A. de C.V. Mexico

Joining forces to connect and transform the communication between people and business

About the company

Telefonica Movistar is one of the biggest telecommunication providers in the world, operating in 14 countries in Europe and Latin America. It has over 344 million access points and the biggest optical fiber network in both regions. It has 108.8 million clients in Latin America. At Telefonica Movistar we are in constant search for innovation to deliver our clients the most avant-garde technology, which gives them access to advanced solutions in Big Data, Cybersecurity, Cloud and IoT.

Regions of operations


Industry focus

Energy, Utilities & Waste, Finance & Fintech, Marketing & Advertising Services, Production & Manufacturing, Professional & Educational Services, Real Estate and Construction, Retail & eCommerce, Technology & Software


Answers, Conversations, CPaaS, Moments

Primary specialty

Service Providers (MNO, Telecoms, CSP)

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