Microsoft & Infobip

Conversational marketing assistant

Get your answers on conversational marketing questions

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If you are a marketer, influencer, brand manager, innovation leader and/or an industry expert, you can learn about Conversational Marketing and incorporate it into marketing campaigns and programs.

Give it a try and see how Infobip can help you uncover more click-throughs, conversions and ROI with Conversational Marketing.

Here are some tips to make the most out of chatbot communication:

  •  Ask questions and provide clear details about your campaign, product, goals, etc.
  •  To avoid confusion, please stick to one campaign per conversation.
  • Remember, any figures or values I provide are only examples, you’ll need to perform the actual calculations yourself.
  • If you’d like me to generate summarized recommendations for your campaign, just type “summarize campaign.
  •  If you want to close the conversation, simply type “bye”.

Important notes:

  • This is the first version of the chatbot. Based on the data we receive from your questions, we will add more answers to your questions.
  • Infobip handles your personal data as explained in our Privacy Notice (section 5.3.) here:
  • Please don’t share any sensitive information, or information not requested by us, in this chat.